Time-Series Analysis

Important Concepts, Handy Techniques, and Some Cautionary Tales

Tim Wilson
Superweek 2023

A travel tip…or Zoli as an unintentional travel agent?

Let’s think about time.

This presentation

40 minutes

DALL-E 2: “A puppy delivering a presentation that has a line chart on a slide, digital art”


5 days

DALL-E 2: “A puppy attending the Superweek analytics conference, digital art”

My last job

5 years

DALL-E 2: “A puppy working as marketing analyst, digital art”

Yehoshua’s intros

DALL-E 2: “A puppy with eyes that look like the infinity symbol, digital art”

“Time” is a tricky thing, but it’s at the core of what we do.

It rarely looks quite like this

It often has a weekly cycle to it

And it may have a trend to it

DALL-E 2: “A puppy running a linear regression on a computer, digital art”

Let’s think about statistics

Statistics is all about estimating a population from a sample.

Our data exists over time.

So, what is our population?

Is it the past to the present?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Maybe it’s the past, present, and future?

Or…just the future?

But…we can’t sample from the future!

So…what is our sample?

Our sample is a sample timeframe.

This is imperfect.

Because our reality is constant change.

DALL-E 2: “A room full of puppies who all have different astonished expressions on their faces, digital art”

Time-series data is often

A stationary time series is one whose statistical properties do not depend on the time at which the series is observed. 1

A stationary time series is one whose statistical properties do not depend on the time at which the series is observed. 1

A stationary time series is one whose statistical properties do not depend on the time at which the series is observed. 1

A stationary time series is one whose statistical properties do not depend on the time at which the series is observed. 1

One Antidote to Non-Stationarity: First Differences

Are these two metrics correlated?

To the scatterplot!

R2 = 0.84

DALL-E 2: “A puppy nodding its head with a speech bubble saying”YES!“, digital art”

DALL-E 2: “A puppy shaking its head with a speech bubble that has the exact text”Maybe!“, digital art”

If they’re correlated, then when one moves, the other will move similarly.

When one metric increases, the other should increase similarly.

When one metric decreases, the other should decrease similarly.

So, let’s look at the changes rather than the actual values.

This is called first differences.

Date Orders 1st Diff: Orders
2023-01-20 9,482
2023-01-21 10,164
2023-01-22 9,503
2023-01-23 11,317
2023-01-24 9,980
2023-01-25 10,484
2023-01-26 10,458

This is called first differences.

Date Orders 1st Diff: Orders
2023-01-20 9,482
2023-01-21 10,164
2023-01-22 9,503
2023-01-23 11,317
2023-01-24 9,980
2023-01-25 10,484
2023-01-26 10,458

This is called first differences.

Date Orders 1st Diff: Orders
2023-01-20 9,482
2023-01-21 10,164
2023-01-22 9,503
2023-01-23 11,317 1,814
2023-01-24 9,980
2023-01-25 10,484
2023-01-26 10,458

This is called first differences.

Date Orders 1st Diff: Orders
2023-01-20 9,482 NA
2023-01-21 10,164 682
2023-01-22 9,503 −661
2023-01-23 11,317 1,814
2023-01-24 9,980 −1,337
2023-01-25 10,484 504
2023-01-26 10,458 −26

From non-stationary to more stationary

We can calculate first differences for both metrics

Date Orders 1st Diff: Orders Social 1st Diff: Social
2023-01-20 9,482 NA 5,754 NA
2023-01-21 10,164 682 6,181 427
2023-01-22 9,503 −661 5,650 −531
2023-01-23 11,317 1,814 6,265 615
2023-01-24 9,980 −1,337 6,603 338
2023-01-25 10,484 504 7,114 511
2023-01-26 10,458 −26 6,522 −592

And then check the correlation!

R2 = 0.00

These are both moving with time…but not directly with each other

DALL-E 2: “A puppy running a race where the other runner is a clock, digital art”

DALL-E 2: “A puppy driving a racecar with one paw on the gearshift, digital art”

Let’s shift gears

DALL-E 2: “A partially decomposed puppy in a cemetery, digital art”

Decomposition can be amazing

Time-series decomposition, that is

A fairly “clean” series

The mean…is pretty meaningless

And so is the variance

Time-series decomposition does what our brain already wants to do

It “decomposes” the data into three components

It “decomposes” the data into three components

The Seasonal Component

The Trend Component

What’s Left!

“The Mean”

“The Variance”

Back to the overall series

The original mean + variance…embarrassing?

Let’s try again

Seasonality + trend = the “mean”

And the “variance” is just based on “what’s left”

DALL-E 2: “A puppy with huge muscles lifting a barbell, digital art”

This is powerful!

(Loosely) it’s part of what’s happening with our next example.

And now…to Bayesian things!

DALL-E 2: “A puppy dressed up as Thomas Bayes, digital art”

Specifically, Bayesian Structural Time-Series

DALL-E 2: “A puppy dressed up as Thomas Bayes, digital art”

Time-series decomposition turned up to 11

DALL-E 2: “A puppy dressed like nigel tufnel turning an amplifier up to eleven, digital art”

Mark Edmondson built a tool using this 7 years ago!

At its core: estimate the impact of an intervention

DALL-E 2: “A puppy looking through a telescope at a meteor crashing into the moon, digital art”

“We didn’t test it, so can we just do a pre-/post- analysis?”

DALL-E 2: “A puppy looking through a telescope at a meteor crashing into the moon, digital art”

What the marketer expects happened

Typically, the change isn’t that big…

…and the data is a lot noisier

…and may have seasonality!

CausalImpact uses historical data to forecast what’s expected

Step 1: Look at the pre-intervention data

Step 2: Build a best-fit model using this data

Step 3: That model can quantify its uncertainty

Step 4: Extend the model post-intervention

Step 5: Compare the model to the actual results

“Pointwise” is another way to look at the results

Set the modeled prediction as the baseline

Plot the difference between the model & the actual

Put the confidence interval around the difference

Or…by the numbers!

Posterior tail-area probability p: 0.0010549

Estimated average (daily) effect: 1,032 with a 95% confidence interval of 580 to 1,495

But, wait! There’s more!

Putting covariates to use

Their relationship to the metric of interest is stable

They are not themselves affected by the intervention

DALL-E 2: “A puppy concentrating very hard while holding up two fingers, digital art”

This is not a silver bullet!

DALL-E 2: “A puppy pointing a gun, digital art”

Let’s review!

What is “the population?”

Regardless…“the sample” is not ideal

Stationarity: constant mean, constant variance

First differences: don’t jump to correlations

Time-series decomposition

Bayesian structural time-series

DALL-E 2: “A puppy doing homework, digital art”

DALL-E 2: “A puppy working very hard with sweat pouring down its face, digital art”

Time…is hard.

Excellent, Excellent Resource

Thank you!

Presentation: bit.ly/sw-time-series

Podcast: analyticshour.io



This presentation was 100% built with R (and Quarto w/ reveal.js)

The images are (almost) 100% DALL-E 2

The background image is from my “daily diversion” on Twitter